The CMHA Saskatoon Holiday Health Hamper is a package full of activities that focus on wellness over the holidays. We recognize that this can be a tough time for many of us. The holidays are not always full of joy or excitement and often anxiety, loneliness and other frustrations creep in.

It felt like everyone else had parties and partners and family, and I was totally alone. But then the package made me feel like people did care; people were kind enough to think of the idea, put it all together, and give it to me.

2022 holiday hamper recipient

You can participate in the Holiday Health Hampers in two ways!

Gift a Holiday Health Hamper for someone else by heading to our donation page and tapping on the $60 donate tab. Our goal this year is to create 150 hampers for those in need.

Make a donation today!


Download our Holiday Health Hamper Sponsorship Package and see how your organization can support the project!

Nominate yourself or a loved one to receive a hamper by filling out the form below.

We are out of Holiday Health Hampers for our 2023 season!

(Nominations open in November 2023)

Now, excuse us while we get back to making those hampers!